The primary purpose of the Missions Ministry is to give opportunity for salvation of souls in the U. S. and foreign fields where simple New Testament Christianity is little known or unknown. Secondary purposes include assisting and encouraging brethren in mission fields, stimulating greater interest and better involvement in mission fields by our members, and arousing a greater consciousness of the value of souls, not only in mission areas, but in our own community.
"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. "' Mark 16:15 -16 NASB
Dwayne Stubblefield is the deacon assigned to this ministry and serves as chairman of the Missions Committee. Ryan Staggs is also assigned to this ministry in support of Dwayne.
Ghana Bible College (GBC) - Under the guidance of Dr. Augustine Tawiah the Ghana Bible College seeks to equip men to preach the word and increase the kingdom of God in Ghana. Since 1962 the college has trained hundreds of preachers that have spread the word all over the country of Ghana and six other countries in that region. He will often organize and lead Congregational Leadership Development seminars to help grow and plant nearby congregations. Throughout the year the school will participate in a number of educational events such as the Women’s Summer Seminar, Business Management Training, and Family Training sessions. They reach the public university campuses with tailor-made courses from the college to develop young minds for the ministry. Augustine Tawiah also teaches Bible and ministry courses at University of Ghana and at Knutsford University. Another key GBC leader supported by Concord Road is William Ayisi. William will have served five years at the Ghana Bible College since his return from the USA in December, 2007 after receiving his Masters at Lipscomb University. With his current position as the Academic Dean of the college and looking at the future direction of GBC, he wants to pursue his PhD in leadership and governance locally in Ghana next year (2013). In addition to a full workload as a professor and administrator at GBC (there are 11 full-time faculty and 3 part-time faculty), William has also worked tirelessly to establish a strong campus ministry presence at several public universities in Ghana, where future leaders of the Church will be cultivated and encouraged to use their talents to help grow God’s Kingdom. He also spearheaded the creation of a Ghanaian radio program that reaches thousands of potential listeners each week. William, other GBC professors, and other local Church leaders deliver life-changing messages to all in need through this powerful media in Ghana.
Nigeria Bible Teachers Program - The Nigerian government has allowed us to sponsor Bible teachers in their public schools. We support 19 teachers that teach Bible classes and hold devotionals in southern Nigeria. While at their schools they often are used as councilors dealing with the spiritual issues of their students and fellow teachers. Many of the teachers are also preachers in local congregations and are constantly busy doing the work of God. During the winter break of 2010 ten of our teachers baptized 79 people and restored 63. More recently as of June 2012, the teachers reported a collective total of 52 baptisms and 9 restorations. Many are being added to His Kingdom through determined efforts to spread God’s Word to all those that will hear. Goodnews Peter is our primary contact that provides support and encouragement to the rest of the teachers while providing consolidated reports on progress to Concord Road.
Nigerian Christian Academy - Edu Okorie is the President of a Primary & Secondary school in southern Nigeria. The approximately 800 students who attend are given a high quality education while also learning of Christ and growing their faith in him.
Zimbabwe Mission and Drip Irrigation Program - Edmore Moyo, Christopher Ndlovu, Jacob Velaphi. Edmore Moyo came to Nashville in the mid 90’s to attend Crieve Halls’ School of Preaching in order to be prepared to convert souls in his homeland of Zimbabwe. After two years, he returned to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe as a follow-up teacher for World Bible School. He visits and further teaches students who are taking lessons from teachers in the USA after he has been contacted that a student is interested in being baptized. After further teaching, he will know if the student is ready for baptism and will transport them to a location where this can be done. He will encourage them to attend a faithful congregation in their area. Some students require an overnight stay on his part because of the distance he has to travel to reach the student. These home studies frequently result in other members of the family wanting to be taught also and eventually being baptized.
Zambia World Bible School Prison Ministry and Orphan Care - In 2008, Melvin Kalimanshila identified 16 young boys who had lost their parents and began to provide for their basic needs. He later added 3 young girls to the list. All of these children are part of the local churches of Christ in the small village of Chilanga and are cared for by individual Christians and congregations. For $25.00 per month you can help to provide food, clothing and education and provide a better life for theses children.Melvin is also deeply involved in spreading God’s word through World Bible School in and out of the prisons in his area.
Gospel Chariot Missions - Directed by George Funk, Gospel Chariot Missions vision is to take Africa for Jesus by equipping and empowering Africans to evangelize Africa using two Gospel Chariots. Between 1994 and 2007, 60 Churches of Christ have been started and over 6000 souls baptized including 700 in 2007. This ministry travels into 12 African countries with 18 wheeled trucks (Chariots) having gospel meetings and distributing tons of literature. They have distributed over two million One Nation Under God and World Bible School lessons as well as six hundred thousand Bibles. This is an exciting work that also has evangelistic study rooms and short and long-term bible schools in gateway cities.
Website: http://www.gospelchariot.blogspot.com/
Ivory Coast Mission - Despite great struggle and national political turmoil Issac Gnohou labors for the Lord in Ivory Coast. A well trained teacher and preacher Issac travels Ivory Coast spreading the Good News and baptizing many souls. He works along with several local congregations to encourage and strengthen a nation desperately in need of God’s saving grace.
Manipur India Mission - Brother T is a diligent worker for God’s kingdom in Manipur, India. As part of the mission we support a preachers school to train men to God’s service. Currently they are training 18 preachers and work together with 7 congregations in India. Brother T also oversees the care of 45 orphans between the ages of 7-16 years old; 18 girls and 27 boys.
South Korea Mission - Sang Yang is a tireless worker for the Lord. Using all available means he fights the good fight and works to grow the churches in South Korea. Equipped with a great knowledge of technology, he utilizes the internet and texting to reach and encourage those who may have never heard God’s word.
Odessa Bible College - The International Christian College, Marshala Govorova st., 3, Odessa, Ukraine, 65063, a satellite school of the ICC college in Dniepropetousk, Ukraine, is under the oversight of 21st Century Global Missions, J.C. Enlow, President. Jeff Shelton is the stateside director of ICC-Odessa. Valdimir Volodka is the local director.
The principal role of the school is to prepare Bible teachers and preachers. Along with the Bible curriculum, courses in English, speech, and computers supplement the students education.
Concord Road also has established a medical fund for Christians in Odessa. Valentin Virchenko administers the fund for a number of Odessa Christians who otherwise would be unable to receive essential medical treatment.
St. Gallen, Switzerland - Rene Voser, a native born Swiss Citizen, and his wife Brigitte and daughter Anja, are our missionaries in St. Gallen. Switzerland. Rene has a long family tradition of preaching the Gospel, since his father has worked for many years in the Berne, Switzerland congregation. About six years ago, Rene moved to St. Gallen with his family to start a congregation in that northeastern Swiss city. Rene is happy to report that after starting with only his small family, now there are usually 20 to 30 worshippers on Sunday
Morning in the St. Gallen congregation.
Website: http://www.gemeinde-christi-sg.ch/english
Mission Lazarus - Jarrod Brown - Located in Honduras, Mission Lazarus is a holistic ministry that focuses on basic primary education, skill development, health education and treatment, agricultural development, and preaching and teaching the Word of God.
Mission Lazarus focuses on planting and growing churches in third world nations through educational, Medical, Agricultural, and Spiritual Outreaches that are offered unconditionally to the communities they work in.
Website: http://www.missionlazarus.org/
China Mission - Concord Road participates in the mission work in China being conducted by Ron Brown with the support of the Peachtree City Church of Christ. This mission has included providing medical aid and financial support to orphans in China. More information is available at the website of the Peachtree City Church of Christ, http://www.ptccoc.com/china.html
Tennessee Childrens Home - Tennessee Children's Home is committed to serving abused, neglected, abandoned, wayward, or orphaned children and youth, as well as their families, in a Christian manner. Utilizing all available resources, they will provide for the physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and educational needs of the children and youth they serve in a safe and secure environment. Equipped with biblical values, guided by Christ-like compassion, empowered by faith, and committed to excellence, Tennessee Children’s Home has a steadfast determination to improve the quality of the lives they influence.
Website: http://www.tennesseechildrenshome.org/
In Search of the Lord’s Way - In Search of the Lord's Way is the television outreach ministry of the Edmond church of Christ in Edmond, OK. As of September 1, 2009, the SEARCH program is beginning its 30th year of continual broadcast. Having begun on one small TV station, we are now seen on 76 Broadcast stations, 205 cable and public access stations, 45 radio stations and 2 satellite networks.
Website: http://www.searchtv.org/
Rainbow Omega - Rainbow Omega is a faith-based, non-profit organization located in Eastaboga, Alabama that provides residential and vocational programs for adults with developmental disabilities. They care for 79 people with unique needs and abilities who live and work at Rainbow Omega.
Email: office@rainbowomega.org
Disaster Relief - The Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort immediately responds to any major disaster in the continental United States by sending truckloads of emergency food, water, cleaning, and other supplies to disaster victims.
Website: http://www.disasterreliefeffort.org/
Inner City Ministry - In this nashville area outreach, A core group of 1,000 dedicated volunteers enter every major public housing development in Nashville’s inner city communities and transport up to 1,000 children and teenagers to life skill Bible classes that are held in locations throughout Nashville and the surrounding communities. They are motivated by a belief that most of the problems facing our world today can be solved by strong Christian homes. This goal is shared by a dedicated staff of 22 full time and part time co-workers. They believe every inner city community is a mission field in which local Christian families, when properly trained and equipped, can and will reach.